Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Organic Gardening Co-Op

A couple of weekends ago, I signed up for a plot at our local organic gardening co-op. The principle is simple; you pay a deposit, work the land, learn the principles of organic gardening then reap your harvest! Any unneeded food is donate to the local food bank.

Organic Co-Op on 35th Year

The Co-Op's Website.

Anyway, I got 1/2 a plot, and it's fairly large. Certainly large enough to grow the veggies for 2-3 people, which is the size of my family.

We weeded it, and tilled it. Per the Farmer's Almanac, this weekend is best for planting root veggies like potatoes and carrots, so I'll be doing that early on Saturday morning, now that we're prepped.

I'm hoping to spend a semester or two learning about the principles of organic gardening, then applying those to my own plot at home. Having had some success with growing veggies in pots, like squash, peppers, tomatoes and okra this Summer, I am really really stoked about enjoying food I've prepared and cooked that came from the work of my hand, and the sweat of my brow.

I'm thinking carrots, winter squash, potatoes, and I'm still looking for other ideas. Possibly collards, cabbage or kale? Feel free to give me ideas. I've got to get it sorted before Saturday morn! lol Maybe a pumpkin?


Piroska said...

Oh, definitely a pumpkin. They are such fun to grow! And even the pumpkin blossoms are edible!

Or maybe squash? Same as the pumpkin, with vines.

Good luck! I miss gardening.

Lyssa said...

Yay how exciting your own little plot. We have community gardens here too which is fabulous for congested cities.

I agree there is nothing quite like growing your own to cook with. I love it too that all the overs go to your local food bank. Fantastic... that's community spirit in action.

Not sure I can suggest anything else because of the difference in our seasons... what about some snow peas or beans?

Looking forward to hearing more about how your garden grows and maybe some pics?


Unknown said...


Welcome to my green blog. Oh I'm so pleased to see you here! :)

I didn't know pumpkin blossoms are edible. Do you have any info on that? Maybe I'll use the Google? lol

And Lys, I think snow peas or beans would work. As you might know, we have a long growing season and don't frost until probably late Nov/early Dec in Florida. I think I can get them grown between now and then. :)

Thank you both, again, for coming by!

purpledogstar said...

I am looking forward to tasting some of your homegrown food too - will there be anything ready at Xmas?

Unknown said...

I am hoping so. I am deliberately choosing varieties that should yield within 60-90 days because of the fear of frost. If I plant now, we should be harvesting between mid-November and mid-December.


judith said...

xysea! hey girl- fine dreams, fine work - mebbe you'd enjoy my niece's blog - lots o common ground & her wholefoodsnaturalkitchenbikeitgrowit pedigree is deep.
